Invoicing tools
Issuing invoices is an indispensable part of my work. After a task or project is completed, I settle accounts with the client and issue an invoice. Fortunately, you can find many tools on the Internet that help with this. So don’t worry if you’re beginning your business journey and need experience. In this post, I show how many features of the tools I use.
Worktime Expert
I described Wortktime Expert more extensively when I wrote an article about the tools I use when measuring work time. I use this tool daily. Thanks to it, I monitor the time I spend on my own tasks or for a given client and invoice quickly. This is one of the best tools I use for invoicing. I only invoice the projects that I currently need. Depending on my needs, I can invoice total or separate tasks billed by hourly rates or lump sum. I set the parameters of the invoice in any way I want, choosing the language, VAT rate, vendor data, form and date of payment. You can test the application in full version for free for 14 days!
I use this program on a web browser. With it, I issue all kinds of invoices and then send them to clients online. iFirma.pl has a calendar where I plan tasks and projects and assign them to specific co-workers. The tool is available in two versions: free and paid. The free version allows you to issue 3 invoices per month, while the extended version costs 150 PLN per year and allows you to issue invoices without any limits. The software is updated regularly; thanks to this, the invoices issued always follow current legislation. Moreover, my and my client’s data are safe and have digital security. Therefore, it is a good invoicing tool if you are just starting to run a business.
This is another system for easy invoicing. It works intuitively so that you will manage it, even without experience. In fakturowania.pl I issue the following documents: VAT invoices, proforma invoices, advance and final invoices, foreign currency invoices, reverse charge invoices, MP invoices, RR invoices, margin invoices, correction invoices, correction notes, bills, receipts, KP, KW, orders, WNT, WDT, accounting notes, internal evidence, import of services, own non-accounting document, other invoices. All you need to do is enter the customer’s data once, and it will be remembered and automatically completed for the next invoice. This will save you valuable time. The tool works very similarly to ifirma.pl. Here, too, I don’t have to worry about confidential data. They are well-protected and stored in the cloud. You can also use a plugin for WooCommerce, in which case the invoices in the store issue themselves. The tool is free and allows you to issue 3 invoices per month. You will get access to the paid version starting from 8 PLN per month, allowing you to print unlimited invoices. You can also free-test the tool in the premium version for 30 days!
I would also like to introduce you to one of the newest tools, which combines a tracker, reporting and invoicing application. The tool is constantly being improved and is created out of a real need. Its developers see what is missing in the market and try to make a tool that combines the critical functionalities of several others. For the time being, the Virtas application supports only two currencies and only a few VAT rates. But its automated workflow sets it apart and gives it an edge over other invoicing software. All you have to do is enter the hourly rate and the customer’s data, and the application will calculate the amount due by itself.
An additional option is calculation of overtime. If you do not use the absolute limit of hours agreed with the Client, unused hours can be carried over to the next month. The system detects these hours an,d adjusts the invoice accordingly so you don’t have to remember this on the next invoice.
Such options have been added at the request of users, which confirms that the application developers are responsive to suggestions and take their needs into account. Virtas analyses revenues and helps select the most profitable customers. Invoices are securely stored in the cloud. The company has plans to add an option to send invoices from the application directly to the Client’s email. Let me tell you a secret! A promotional campaign will be organised in the coming days. The price for using the application will be 29.99 PLN net per month. You will have the opportunity to test the tool for 14 days for free.
You will find more about the VirtAS application in the video, which explains how the tool works.
There are many invoice creation programs on the Internet. They differ in the limit for issuing free invoices and additional options. I recommend these four programs because I have used them personally. However, it’s best to test them yourself (especially since they allow you to try them for free for a limited time) and choose the tool that meets your needs.
And if you need help with invoices, I invite you to take advantage of my offer. I will be happy to run your virtual reception desk.
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